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Shopify开店建站营销推⼴卖家平台后台中⽂指南 – Checkout / Shopify的结账设置
by weswoo


Planning your online business goals with a specials

Kristin Weswoo

Aug 30, 2023

Checkout 设置⻚⾯设置顾客在结算时的⼀些信息,表单选项,设置订单处理的⼀些细节,结账⻚⾯的语


Customer accounts/顾客账号:

Accounts are disabled: 顾客只能以访客的⾝份结算。

Accounts are required:顾客只能注册才能结算。

Accounts are optional:顾客可以选择注册也可以选择不注册。Enable Multipass login:



Form options/表单选项:



Order processing/订单处理:

While the customer is checking out,当顾客在结账时,勾选则表⽰默认使⽤账单地址做为收货地址,不过收货地址仍然是可以修改的

If the customer abandons their checkout, send them an email reminder to complete their order


Never: 不发送提醒邮件

Six hours later: 6⼩时后发送提醒邮件24 hours later 24⼩时后发送提醒邮件你还可以编辑发送邮件的模板

Collecting consent to send promotional emails to customers from your store


Customer agrees to receive promotional emails by default默认顾客同意收到促销邮件

Customer does not agree to receive promotional emails by default/默认顾客不同意收到促销邮件Disable and hide this field/不使⽤并隐藏此选项

After an order has been paid/当订单付款后

Automatically fulfill the order’s line items。/⾃动履⾏订单

Automatically fulfill only the gift cards of the order。/⾃动履⾏礼品卡订单

Do not automatically fulfill any of the order’s line items。/不⾃动履⾏任何订单

After an order has been fulfilled and paid/当订单履⾏后并付款了(即⼀个完成的订单) Automatically archive the order/勾选则⾃动归档订单,不勾选则不归档

Additional content and scripts/⾃定义感谢⻚⾯ ,当顾客付款成功后所出现的感谢⻚⾯。

Checkout language/结账语⾔设置:

默认为英语,如果需要其他语⾔,可点击Manage checkout language 来翻译成所需要的语⾔。


Refund,privacy,and TOS statements/退换货,隐私政策,使⽤条款,声明等:

根据⾃⼰需要填写相关内容,点击Generate sample … 可以⽣产样本,按实际情况来修改成你需要的即可。最后点击Save 保存。


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