Planning your online business goals with a specials
Kristin Weswoo
Aug 30, 2023
Shopify注册成功之后,你就会分配到一个类似于 – – 的二级域名。你可以直接用这个域名开始销售,但是为了显得更加的专业,也方便推广你的网站,帮助客户记住你的域名,大部分人还是会选择注册一个类似于 这样的顶级域名。但是在注册域名的时候应该注意哪些事项呢?如何注册域名,在Shopify绑定域名呢?下面来详细解读
一 域名注册的注意事项
5 Rules for a Memorable Domain Name(原文链接地址 – 本文中还有其他不错的,你可能用到的工具,为你域名的选择提供更多的参考,推荐阅读。
- The essentials: Be short, catchy and memorable! You should also make your name easy to pronounce and spell.
域名要短,要好记,但是现在com域名资源已经很少了,即使这样,也尽量避免在你的域名里面添加数字, “-” 或者 “_”,这些会让你的域名显得有点儿low,对用户来说,不好记,易拼错,输入麻烦,你的网站从域名商看起来也像是一个垃圾站。com是首选,但是如果确实没得选了,可以考虑下co域名,来观摩下那些使用CO域名的Shopify店铺
- The unspoken rules: When buying a domain name, avoid something too similar to competing domain names and make sure not to violate someone else’s trademark.
不要侵权。注册域名之前最好还是查一下你的品牌名称是否已经在目标市场注册了,是否侵权,例如在美国,你可以通过uspto.org查询。我们在最初Shopify开店的时候就遇到了这个问题。当时注册了一个 类型的域名,开始Shopify开店, 过了有两个月左右,收到了Shopify官方通知邮件,说在美国有个大公司使用我的词根域名 投诉我侵权了,要求我撤换域名。邮件原文如下:
Hello there,
Sacha with Shopify here,
Unfortunately, we received the attached Notice of Trademark Infringement. Shopify supports the protection of all intellectual property and asks Shopify merchants to do the same. It is our policy to respond to all notices of alleged trademark infringement. Consistent with our procedures relating to assertions of intellectual property Infringement, we may proceed with taking the content listed as infringing offline in approximately 72 hours.
We value you as a customer and would like to give you a fair opportunity to respond to the Notice, by providing you with 5 business days to respond via the attached form titled (Response to Notice of Trademark Infringement). Please note that if you materially misrepresent that a product or activity is not infringing upon the trademark rights of a third party, whether in a response or otherwise, you may be liable for damages (including costs and attorney’s’ fees). If you are unsure whether the material infringes on third party intellectual property rights, please contact an attorney before contacting Shopify with your Response.
Upon receipt of your timely response, Shopify will provide the original complainant with your Response. Shopify may also cease disabling/reinstate the content within ten (10) business days at Shopify’s discretion. The original complainant will then have ten (10) business days after it receives a Response to seek a court order restraining you, the merchant, from engaging in the infringing activity.
Please know that although your business is important to us, the intellectual property rights of others are also important to us. Thank you for your patience in our process.
Best regards, Sacha
- ”.COM” – The ”.com” is the most popular top-level domain and it can be hard to find one that is available. In most cases, you should favor a ”.com” however if you are planning to sell in a specific country only you should consider a country specific domain such as “” for the United Kingdom.
- Brandable: Having a strong brand is important. Even if you’re only selling one product right now, you might add other products in the future. Choose a domain name that you can grow into, even as your website or business changes .
- Be creative: Most single-word domains are taken and you might need to create your own word. Try compounding two whole words (YouTube), using a phrase (Six Apart), blending parts of two words together (Microsoft), tweaking a word (Flickr), affixing a word with a prefix or a suffix (Shopify), or making up a completely unique name (Odeo).
除了以上Tips,还有一个注意事项,就是要注意下,你要注册的域名,之前是否有其他人用过然后弃用了的。主要是如果之前这个域名是用来做仿品的,做了大量的垃圾外链,你接手过来就会是一个麻烦的事情。最简单的办法就是直接把你要注册的域名放在Google里面搜一下,看看有没有相关的页面看下。或者Google找一些可以查看域名历史信息的工具 – Google “how to check domain name history”。 例如:
这里推荐的工具是,更加形象直接的看到域名曾经的网站内容, 样子。如下图:
二 域名的注册
友推荐使用 相比较Godaddy来说,Namesilo提供免费的域名注册信息隐私保
护服务,而Godaddy的这项服务需要7.99美金每年. (如果你使用Godaddy注册域名,记得千
三 域名的绑定与设置
把你的独立域名绑定在Shopify上也很简单,还是上图中的路径,选择右上角的“Add Existing
Domain” 按钮,在弹出的对话框里面输入你要添加的域名,然后在下一步按照提示,给你的域名添加A记录解析就可以了,剩下的,就是等Shopify完成绑定,分配SSL证书。
域名添加成功之后,建议Set Your Primary Domain, 同时 Redirect All Traffic to This Domain.
域名设置到此完成。状态 Status为绿色背景的OK。但是后面还有一个橙色背景的提示 SSL unavailable 提示,这个可以直接忽略,你也不必花时间去研究如何获取SSL。此提示为Shopify正在为你的域名配置SSL证书。一般过个半天一天时间之后,就会变成绿色的available状态了。
UPDATE on 2017.5.31
但是还是要记得解析完成之后设置Set Your Primary Domain哦。
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